480 research outputs found


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    Introduzione alla raccolta di saggi di colleghi e allievi dell'Universit\ue0 di Udine a testimonianza dell\u2019importante opera di ricerca e disseminazione svolta da Silvana Serafin nello studio della letteratura migrante spaziando in diversi ambiti geografici dalle Americhe all\u2019Australia e comprendendo diversi generi, molteplici linguaggi espressivi e lingue divers

    "Ce n\u2019est pas seulement un langage de femme" : la voix f\ue9minine \ue9touff\ue9e de Marie de l\u2019Incarnation

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    La focalisation r\ue9cente des gender studies sur les \ue9crits spirituels des femmes dans les colonies, religieuses ou d\ue9votes fournit des pistes d\u2019analyse int\ue9ressantes pour relire l\u2019\u153uvre de Marie de l\u2019Incarnation. Son destin, en effet, est semblable \ue0 celui d\u2019autres femmes de l\u2019\ue9poque op\ue9rant dans des contextes religieux, auxquelles on ne reconna\ueet pas un statut d\u2019auteur, m\ueame si elles jouent un r\uf4le de plus en plus important au sein de l\u2019\uc9glise. Invit\ue9es, ou parfois oblig\ue9es par d\u2019autres autorit\ue9s eccl\ue9siastiques, des hommes, \ue0 relater leur exp\ue9rience et donc \ue0 utiliser le \u2018je\u2019 de l\u2019\ue9criture, elles ne sont pas reconnues en tant qu\u2019auteurs. Jusqu\u2019aux ann\ue9es 1930, les \ue9crits de l\u2019Ursuline n\u2019\ue9taient connus qu\u2019\ue0 travers les nombreuses biographies qui, pendant les si\ue8cles, ont aliment\ue9 une litt\ue9rature d\ue9vote ayant grandement contribu\ue9 \ue0 l\u2019\ue9riger en personnage fondateur de l\u2019histoire du Qu\ue9bec catholique. Encore \ue0 l\u2019\ue9poque actuelle cet itin\ue9raire, marqu\ue9 par l\u2019entreprise apostolique au Canada que Marie aussi estimait d\u2019\uabextraordinaire, [...] \ue9loign\ue9e de [s]a condition et sans exemple\ubb, n\u2019a pas cess\ue9 d\u2019attirer l\u2019attention sur la femme et sur son \u153uvre, sans toutefois entra\ueener une approche textuelle globale de son \u153uvre. \uc0 travers l\u2019analyse des Retraites de la V\ue9n\ue9rable M\ue8re Marie de l\u2019Incarnation, religieuse ursuline, avec une exposition succincte du \u201cCantique des cantiques\u201d (1682) nous nous proposons de d\ue9gager l\u2019\u153uvre du carcan de gloses qui l\u2019a enserr\ue9 pendant des si\ue8cles et de faire \ue9merger les traits d\u2019une \ue9criture f\ue9minine profond\ue9ment originale. Alessandra Ferraro studies the Retraites de la V\ue9n\ue9rable M\ue8re Marie de l\u2019Incarnation, religieuse ursuline, avec une exposition succincte du \u201cCantique des cantiques\u201d (1682). Her analysis permits to read in a new perspective Marie's text, underlining the peculiarities of a surprisingly original feminine writing

    \u201cGli scritti dei missionari in Nouvelle-France: un cambiamento di paradigma\u201d

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    Grazie a una serie di recenti riletture, influenzate da un cambiamento di prospettiva che privilegia la relazione e l\u2019interazione allo studio del singolo oggetto, i testi dei missionari cattolici in Canada possono essere considerati come testimonianza di un\u2019esperienza coloniale ed umana che fu caratterizzata dal meticciato e dall\u2019ibridazione e che modific\uf2 in maniera essenziale lo sviluppo della nostra civilt\ue0. The texts of the Catholic missionaries in Canada are an extraordinary anthropological, historical, but above all literary testimony of the Europeans' meeting with the otherness represented by the natives of the New World. The new readings, introduced in the essays devoted to the Nouvelle-France, allow us to consider this corpus as a testimony of a colonial and human experience that was characterized by miscegenation and hybridity and which fundamentally modified, in an essential way, the development of our civilization

    Per un approccio geografico ai testi della letteratura migrante

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    La contaminazione tra strumenti ermeneutici propri della geografia e della letteratura, alla base di una \u201csvolta spaziale\u201d 12 un cartographical turn 12 in atto nelle discipline umanistiche, consente di analizzare la realt\ue0 da una prospettiva diversa, rinnovando l\u2019approccio epistemologico ai testi letterari. Si tratta di un\u2019analisi particolarmente feconda per la letteratura migrante il cui legame con lo spazio \ue8 insito nell\u2019aggettivo che la definisce esprimendo il nomadismo e l\u2019erranza, la mobilit\ue0 e l\u2019idea di attraversamento delle frontiere, caratteristiche delle opere di questa corrente

    Autobiografie fototestuali al femminile nella letteratura francese contemporanea

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    L’articolo prende in esame l’inserimento della fotografia nel testo autobiografico contemporaneo francese secondo una prospettiva di genere e diacronica, a partire dagli esordi, rintracciabili nell’opera di Claude Cahun Aveux non avenus (1930), fino al contemporaneo. L’obiettivo è di riconoscere le peculiarità di questa produzione e individuarne i nuclei semantici nell’ambito della letteratura francese al femminile dagli anni Novanta. L’analisi dell’opera delle scrittrici che si sono servite dell’immagine per coniugare memoria coloniale e memoria personale – è il caso di Marie Cardinal, Leïla Sebbar, Hélène Cixous e Colette Fellous – e di quelle la cui prospettiva è più personale, intimista, come Annie Duperey, Silvia Baron Supervielle, Chantal Akerman, Annie Ernaux, Marie Ndiaye, Anne-Marie Garat, Marie Desplechin e Catherine Cusset ha messo in rilievo la presenza di un’importante costante formale e tematica: il modello dell’album fotografico e del suo layout nel fototesto autobiografico contemporaneo. Tale modello consente alla scrittura di focalizzarsi sul minuscolo e sul quotidiano di vite secondarie che diventano così protagoniste, al centro di un’attenzione e una partecipazione caratteristiche della cultura femminile del care. Abbiamo inoltre scorto nell’interrogazione dell’album famigliare un modello a cui questi testi si ispirano e nella scrittura banale e inespressiva una delle modalità che ne accomuna la poetica, al punto da poter parlare di un’autofotobiografia al femminile nella letteratura francese contemporanea che potremmo definire, coniando un neologismo, ‘autofotoginobiografia

    3D phase-matching conditions for the generation of entangled triplets by chi(2) interlinked interactions

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    An analytical calculation of the interaction geometry of two interlinked second-order nonlinear processes fulfilling phase-matching conditions is presented. The method is developed for type-I uniaxial crystals and gives the positions on a screen beyond the crystal of the entangled triplets generated by the interactions. The analytical results are compared to experiments realized in the macroscopic regime. Preliminary tests to identify the triplets are also performed based on intensity correlations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 movie (extension of fig. 2

    Bayesian Modeling for Differential Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers: a DES instance

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    Encryption algorithms based on block ciphers are among the most widely adopted solutions for providing information security. Over the years, a variety of methods have been proposed to evaluate the robustness of these algorithms to different types of security attacks. One of the most effective analysis techniques is differential cryptanalysis, whose aim is to study how variations in the input propagate on the output. In this work we address the modeling of differential attacks to block cipher algorithms by defining a Bayesian framework that allows a probabilistic estimation of the secret key. In order to prove the validity of the proposed approach, we present as case study a differential attack to the Data Encryption Standard (DES) which, despite being one of the methods that has been most thoroughly analyzed, is still of great interest to the scientific community since its vulnerabilities may have implications on other ciphers

    Strengths of the resonances at 436, 479, 639, 661, and 1279 keV in the 22^{22}Ne(p,γ\gamma)23^{23}Na reaction

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    The 22^{22}Ne(p,γ\gamma)23^{23}Na reaction is included in the neon-sodium cycle of hydrogen burning. A number of narrow resonances in the Gamow window dominates the thermonuclear reaction rate. Several resonance strengths are only poorly known. As a result, the 22^{22}Ne(p,γ\gamma)23^{23}Na thermonuclear reaction rate is the most uncertain rate of the cycle. Here, a new experimental study of the strengths of the resonances at 436, 479, 639, 661, and 1279 keV proton beam energy is reported. The data have been obtained using a tantalum target implanted with 22^{22}Ne. The strengths ωγ\omega\gamma of the resonances at 436, 639, and 661 keV have been determined with a relative approach, using the 479 and 1279 keV resonances for normalization. Subsequently, the ratio of resonance strengths of the 479 and 1279 keV resonances was determined, improving the precision of these two standards. The new data are consistent with, but more precise than, the literature with the exception of the resonance at 661 keV, which is found to be less intense by one order of magnitude. In addition, improved branching ratios have been determined for the gamma decay of the resonances at 436, 479, and 639 keV.Comment: Final version, now using the Kelly et al. (2015) data [15] for normalization; 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 table
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